Honey Butter Skillet Corn: Quick, Easy, & Delicious Recipe

Imagine the delightful blend of sweet honey, rich butter, and the natural sweetness of corn. This perfect trio comes together in honey butter skillet corn, a dish that is not only easy to prepare but also an absolute crowd-pleaser. Whether you’re cooking for a family gathering, a weekend barbecue, or simply whipping up a side dish for a regular weekday dinner, this recipe is a must-try. The beauty of honey butter skillet corn lies in its simplicity, yet it offers a complexity of flavors that will keep everyone coming back for more. Best of all, it can be made in under 15 minutes!

In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through everything you need to know about making honey butter skillet corn, from the basic ingredients to delicious variations, storage tips, and common mistakes to avoid. So, grab your skillet and let’s dive into this tasty recipe that will soon become a favorite in your kitchen.

Ingredients for Honey Butter Skillet Corn

Before you begin, gather all the ingredients. Luckily, honey butter skillet corn calls for basic pantry staples, and you may already have most of them on hand. Here’s what you’ll need to prepare this delightful dish:

  • Corn: Whether you use fresh, frozen, or canned corn, this dish will be a hit. However, for the best texture and flavor, fresh corn is recommended, especially during corn season. If fresh corn isn’t available, frozen corn is a fantastic alternative.
  • Butter: Both salted and unsalted butter work well in this recipe. If you prefer a richer flavor, go for salted butter. However, if you want more control over the salt content, use unsalted butter and add salt to taste.
  • Honey: Any type of honey will do, but for the best results, opt for raw or organic honey. This adds a depth of flavor that processed honey lacks. The honey brings out the sweetness of the corn without overpowering it.
  • Optional Add-ins: While the classic recipe only requires butter, honey, and corn, feel free to experiment with spices like paprika, cayenne pepper, or even a dash of heavy cream for a richer texture. For a fresh finish, consider garnishing with chopped parsley or chives.

For a deeper look into the nutritional benefits of corn, check out this Corn Nutrition Facts. Corn is not only delicious but also packed with fiber, antioxidants, and essential vitamins.

How to Make Honey Butter Skillet Corn

Making honey butter skillet corn is a breeze, and it’s a great recipe for beginners and seasoned cooks alike. The steps are straightforward, and the result is a beautifully caramelized, golden side dish that pairs well with a variety of meals. Let’s break down the process:

Step 1: Prepping the Corn

If you’re using fresh corn, begin by removing the husks and silk. Using a sharp knife, slice the kernels off the cob, being careful not to cut too deeply into the cob itself. If you’re using frozen corn, there’s no need to thaw it—just measure out the required amount. Canned corn can also be used, though the texture may be softer. Be sure to drain the canned corn thoroughly before adding it to the skillet.

Step 2: Melting the Butter

In a large cast iron skillet or non-stick skillet, melt the butter over medium heat. Cast iron is ideal for this recipe because it retains heat evenly, ensuring that your corn cooks uniformly. If you want an extra layer of flavor, allow the butter to brown slightly. The process of browning butter releases a nutty aroma that enhances the overall flavor of the dish.

Step 3: Adding Honey and Corn

Once the butter is melted (and browned, if you choose to do so), stir in the honey. Be sure to mix well to avoid burning the honey. Adding the honey first helps it blend seamlessly with the butter, creating a smooth, silky base for the corn. After the honey is incorporated, toss in the corn. Stir frequently, allowing the corn to cook for 5-7 minutes until it’s slightly charred and golden. The key here is to cook the corn long enough to bring out its natural sweetness but not so long that it becomes mushy.

Step 4: Final Touches and Add-ins

At this point, you can get creative with your add-ins. For a bit of heat, sprinkle in some cayenne pepper or paprika. If you prefer a creamier version, stir in a small amount of heavy cream or milk. A handful of shredded cheese can also take this dish to another level, especially when paired with grilled meats or BBQ.

Want to learn more about the different types of butter you can use in this recipe? Check out this article on Choosing the Best Butter for cooking and baking.

Why Honey Butter Skillet Corn is the Perfect Side Dish

There are several reasons why honey butter skillet corn is the perfect side dish for almost any meal:

  • Versatile Pairing: This dish complements a wide variety of mains, from BBQ ribs to grilled chicken, steak, or even fish. Its sweet and savory profile makes it a versatile addition to any plate.
  • Nutritional Benefits: Not only is corn delicious, but it’s also packed with nutrients. Corn is a good source of fiber, vitamins B and C, and antioxidants like lutein and zeaxanthin, which are beneficial for eye health. Additionally, honey provides antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Ease of Preparation: This dish can be prepared in under 15 minutes, making it an excellent option for busy weeknights or last-minute side dishes.

Pairing this dish with BBQ meats creates a balance of flavors, where the sweetness of the corn enhances the smoky, savory profile of the meat. Additionally, it serves as a delicious side for vegetarian meals, adding a burst of flavor and texture.

Looking for more meal ideas? Try this Philly Cheesesteak Tortellini Pasta for a complete and satisfying meal when paired with honey butter skillet corn.

Variations of Honey Butter Skillet Corn

One of the best things about honey butter skillet corn is its versatility. You can easily adapt this recipe to suit your preferences or dietary needs. Here are a few variations to try:

Spicy Honey Butter Corn

If you love a little heat, try adding some cayenne pepper or a splash of hot sauce to the skillet while cooking the corn. The heat from the spices will create a beautiful contrast with the sweetness of the honey, giving the dish an exciting kick.

Creamy Honey Butter Corn

For a richer, creamier version, stir in a few tablespoons of heavy cream or cream cheese just before serving. This variation works particularly well when paired with hearty mains like roasted chicken or pork chops.

Vegan Honey Butter Corn

To make this dish vegan, simply substitute the butter with vegan butter and the honey with agave nectar or maple syrup. The vegan version still maintains the same delightful sweetness and richness, making it a great choice for plant-based diets.

Herb-Infused Honey Butter Corn

For an earthy twist, try adding fresh herbs like basil, thyme, or parsley. These herbs not only enhance the flavor but also bring a pop of color to the dish, making it visually appealing.

Serving Ideas and Pairings

While honey butter skillet corn is a standout side dish on its own, it truly shines when paired with the right mains. Here are some pairing ideas to inspire your next meal:

  • BBQ Favorites: The sweetness of the corn perfectly complements the smoky, rich flavors of BBQ dishes like ribs, pulled pork, or brisket.
  • Grilled Meats: Honey butter skillet corn pairs well with grilled meats like chicken, steak, or pork chops. The combination of smoky, grilled flavors with the sweet corn is a match made in heaven.
  • Vegetarian Meals: Serve this dish alongside a vegetable stir-fry or a hearty grain salad for a balanced vegetarian meal.
  • Picnics and Potlucks: This dish is easy to transport and can be made ahead of time, making it a great option for picnics, potlucks, or family gatherings.

If you’re looking for a dessert to round off your meal, consider trying this Ninja Creami Dessert for a sweet treat that pairs wonderfully with honey butter skillet corn.

Storing and Reheating Honey Butter Skillet Corn

One of the many benefits of honey butter skillet corn is that it stores well and can be easily reheated for future meals. Here are some tips for storing and reheating this dish:


To store leftovers, transfer the corn to an airtight container and refrigerate for up to 3 days. If you’re planning to freeze the dish, allow the corn to cool completely before placing it in a freezer-safe container. The corn can be frozen for up to 2 months.


When reheating, place the corn in a skillet over medium heat,

adding a small amount of butter or water if the corn seems dry. Stir occasionally until the corn is heated through. If reheating from frozen, thaw the corn in the refrigerator overnight before reheating.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Even though honey butter skillet corn is a simple recipe, there are a few common mistakes that can affect the final outcome. Here’s how to avoid them:

  • Burning the Honey: Honey has a tendency to burn if the heat is too high. To avoid this, cook the corn over medium heat and stir frequently to prevent the honey from scorching.
  • Overcooking the Corn: Overcooking can cause the corn to become mushy. Be sure to cook the corn just until it’s slightly charred but still firm to the bite.
  • Using Canned Corn: While canned corn can be used, it lacks the texture and sweetness of fresh or frozen corn. If you must use canned corn, drain it thoroughly and avoid overcooking.
  • Not Browning the Butter: Browning the butter adds a nutty flavor that elevates the dish. If you skip this step, you’re missing out on an opportunity to add depth to the flavor.

Nutritional Breakdown of Honey Butter Skillet Corn

For those who are health-conscious, here’s a quick look at the nutritional profile of honey butter skillet corn:

  • Calories: 230 per serving
  • Fats: 10g
  • Carbs: 30g
  • Sugars: 9g
  • Fiber: 4g
  • Proteins: 3g

This dish provides a balanced combination of healthy fats from the butter and natural sugars from the honey. Corn is also rich in fiber and essential vitamins, making this side dish both delicious and nutritious.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Here are some common questions about honey butter skillet corn:

  1. Can I use canned corn instead of fresh or frozen corn?
    Yes, you can use canned corn, but the texture will be softer. Be sure to drain it well before adding it to the skillet.
  2. What’s the best type of honey to use for skillet corn?
    Raw or organic honey works best for this recipe. It has a more robust flavor than processed honey and pairs well with the sweetness of the corn.
  3. How do I make this dish vegan-friendly?
    To make this dish vegan, simply substitute the butter with vegan butter and the honey with maple syrup or agave nectar.
  4. How long can I store Honey Butter Skillet Corn?
    You can store it in the refrigerator for up to 3 days or freeze it for up to 2 months.
  5. Can I use margarine instead of butter?
    Yes, margarine can be used, but it won’t provide the same rich flavor as real butter.
  6. How do I prevent the corn from becoming mushy?
    To prevent mushy corn, avoid overcooking. Cook the corn just until it’s slightly charred and still has a bit of crunch.


In conclusion, honey butter skillet corn is a delicious and versatile side dish that’s perfect for any occasion. Whether you’re hosting a barbecue, preparing a family dinner, or simply craving a quick and easy side dish, this recipe is sure to impress. With just a few simple ingredients—corn, butter, and honey—you can create a dish that’s both sweet and savory, with a delightful caramelized finish.

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different variations and add-ins, such as spices, cream, or cheese. And remember, this dish stores well and can be reheated for future meals, making it a convenient and tasty option for busy weeknights.

So, what are you waiting for? Try making honey butter skillet corn today, and let its irresistible flavors elevate your next meal!

For more recipe ideas and pairing options, be sure to explore related dishes like the Philly Cheesesteak Tortellini Pasta or indulge in a refreshing Ninja Creami Dessert to complete your meal.

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