Amlou: Morocco’s Nutritious Spread – Recipe, Health Benefits, and Modern Uses

When it comes to Moroccan cuisine, there’s no shortage of dishes that pack flavor, nutrition, and tradition into every bite. One such dish is Amlou, a smooth and nutty spread often referred to as the “Moroccan peanut butter,” but it’s so much more than that. Originating from the Berber communities in southern Morocco, this unique blend of roasted almonds, argan oil, and honey is a must-try for anyone looking to explore the rich flavors of Moroccan culture.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive deep into the origins, ingredients, preparation, and health benefits of Amlou, while also offering creative ways to use it in modern-day recipes. We’ll answer frequently asked questions about this Moroccan delicacy and help you understand why this spread is gaining popularity around the globe.

What is Amlou?

Amlou is a traditional Moroccan spread made primarily from three ingredients: roasted almonds, argan oil, and honey. It has a texture similar to peanut butter, but its flavor profile is richer and more complex due to the nutty taste of roasted almonds combined with the earthy richness of argan oil and the sweetness of honey.

What sets Amlu apart from other nut spreads is its cultural significance and connection to the unique argan tree, which grows only in Morocco. This makes Amlou not just a culinary treat but a symbol of Moroccan heritage. The argan oil used in Amlou is often referred to as “liquid gold” due to its rarity and numerous health benefits, a fact we’ll explore in detail later.

The Origins of Amlou: A Taste of Berber Tradition

The story of Amlou begins in the Berber communities of southern Morocco, where people traditionally made it by hand using a mortar and pestle. In these communities, almonds were abundant, and Berbers used Amlu to preserve the harvest while creating a nutritious, energy-dense food source to enjoy year-round.

The argan oil used in Amlou comes from the argan tree, a plant unique to the southwestern regions of Morocco. Workers extract the oil from the kernels of the argan fruit, following a labor-intensive process passed down through generations. People prize argan oil not only for its culinary uses but also for its medicinal properties and role in skincare.

Over time, Amlou has evolved from a humble homemade spread to a delicacy enjoyed across Morocco and even internationally. It’s now a staple in Moroccan breakfasts, often served with freshly baked bread, msemen (a type of Moroccan pancake), or baghrir (Moroccan crepes).

Ingredients of Amlou: A Nutrient-Rich Powerhouse

At the heart of Amlou are three core ingredients, each contributing its own unique benefits:

  1. Roasted Almonds: Almonds are rich in healthy fats, protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. They are particularly high in Vitamin E, which is a powerful antioxidant that helps protect your body from oxidative damage. The roasted almonds give Amlou its nutty flavor and creamy texture.
  2. Argan Oil: Often referred to as “liquid gold,” argan oil is prized for its health benefits. Rich in essential fatty acids and antioxidants, argan oil has been shown to reduce inflammation, improve heart health, and even support brain function. Its rich, earthy flavor adds depth to the spread.
  3. Honey: Honey is not only a natural sweetener but also has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It balances the rich flavors of the almonds and argan oil, giving Amlou its signature sweetness.

How to Make Amlou at Home: A Step-by-Step Guide

Making Amlu at home is surprisingly easy, requiring just a few ingredients and minimal equipment. Whether you’re preparing it for a Moroccan-inspired breakfast or as a unique dip for snacks, following this recipe will help you recreate this delicious spread.


  • 250g roasted unpeeled almonds
  • 80ml argan oil (for a thicker consistency, reduce to 60ml)
  • 80ml honey
  • ½ teaspoon flaky salt
  • Optional: A sprinkle of cinnamon


  1. Roast the almonds: If your almonds aren’t pre-roasted, spread them on a baking sheet and roast them at 180°C (350°F) for about 10 minutes until they’re golden brown and fragrant.
  2. Grind the almonds: Use a food processor to grind the roasted almonds until they form a smooth, fine texture, similar to almond butter.
  3. Add the argan oil: Gradually pour in the argan oil while continuing to process the mixture. You may want to adjust the quantity of oil depending on the consistency you prefer. For a thicker Amlou, use less oil.
  4. Sweeten with honey: Slowly add the honey and mix until fully combined. The honey not only adds sweetness but also binds the mixture together, giving it a smooth consistency.
  5. Season with salt and cinnamon: Add a pinch of flaky salt to enhance the flavors and, if you like, a touch of cinnamon for an extra layer of warmth.
  6. Store and serve: Transfer the Amlou to an airtight jar and store it in a cool, dry place. It will keep for about two weeks, but you can also refrigerate it to extend its shelf life.

Amlou can be enjoyed as a spread on bread or pancakes, used as a dip for fruits, or even added to desserts for a nutty flavor. If you’re looking for creative ways to use Amlou in desserts, you can check out this delicious Amlou Blondies recipe for inspiration.

Health Benefits of Amlou: More Than Just a Spread

While Amlu is undoubtedly delicious, its real appeal lies in its numerous health benefits. Each of its ingredients—almonds, argan oil, and honey—contributes to making Amlou a superfood in its own right. Let’s break down the health benefits of this Moroccan gem:

Almonds: Heart Health and More

Almonds provide a fantastic source of healthy fats, especially monounsaturated fats, which improve heart health by lowering bad cholesterol (LDL) and raising good cholesterol (HDL). They also contain fiber and protein, promoting digestion and providing sustained energy. Additionally, almonds are rich in Vitamin E, an antioxidant that helps combat oxidative stress and supports skin health.

Argan Oil: The Heart-Protecting Liquid Gold

Argan oil is rich in Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, both of which are essential for heart health. These fats help reduce inflammation in the body, lower cholesterol levels, and improve brain function. Argan oil also contains vitamin E and other antioxidants that help protect against cell damage, making it beneficial for skin, hair, and overall well-being.

According to research, regular consumption of argan oil has been linked to reduced risks of cardiovascular disease, thanks to its ability to improve blood lipid profiles. This means that adding Amlou to your diet can support a healthy heart in the long run.

Honey: Nature’s Antibacterial Sweetener

Honey is not just a natural sweetener; it also has powerful antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It has been used for centuries to treat wounds and infections due to its ability to inhibit bacterial growth. In the context of Amlou, honey adds a layer of sweetness that balances the rich flavors of the almonds and argan oil, while providing a natural energy boost.

Traditional Ways to Serve Amlou

In Morocco, Amlou is often enjoyed as part of a traditional breakfast or afternoon tea. One of the most common ways to serve Amlu is with freshly baked bread, msemen (a type of Moroccan pancake), or baghrir (Moroccan crepes with tiny holes that soak up the spread).

Here are some traditional ways to enjoy Amlou:

  • Spread on Bread: Amlou makes an excellent spread for a warm, crusty loaf of Moroccan bread. Simply drizzle it over the bread or use it as a dip.
  • With Moroccan Pancakes: Spread Amlu over msemen or baghrir, both traditional Moroccan pancakes. The nutty richness of Amlou pairs beautifully with the soft, spongy texture of the pancakes.
  • As a Dip for Fruits: Amlou’s sweetness and nutty flavor make it a perfect complement to fresh fruits like apples, pears, or bananas. Simply dip the fruit into the spread for a quick, nutritious snack.

Want more Moroccan breakfast inspiration? Learn how to elevate your breakfast spread with this guide on how to make a perfect charcuterie board with a Moroccan twist.

Modern Variations of Amlou: Thinking Outside the Spread

While Amlou is traditionally served as a spread or dip, there are countless modern ways to incorporate this Moroccan gem

into your daily meals. Whether you’re looking for new ways to use it in savory dishes or want to experiment with Amlu in desserts, the possibilities are endless.

Amlou Smoothies

Add a spoonful of Amlou to your morning smoothie for an extra boost of protein and healthy fats. The nutty flavor pairs well with fruits like bananas, dates, or berries. Simply blend Amlou with almond milk, fruits, and a touch of cinnamon for a nutritious and delicious smoothie.

Amlou in Desserts

Amlou can also be used as a decadent topping for desserts. Drizzle it over vanilla ice cream, stir it into yogurt, or use it as a filling for crepes or waffles. You can even blend it into baked goods like cakes, brownies, or cookies for a nutty twist on your favorite treats.

For a unique dessert idea, try incorporating Amlu into blondies or brownies. You can find more inspiration from recipes like these Amlou Blondies, which offer a delicious fusion of flavors.

Salad Dressings and Marinades

Amlou can also be used to create savory dishes. Mix Amlou with olive oil, lemon juice, and a bit of garlic to create a salad dressing that adds a Moroccan twist to your greens. Alternatively, use it as a marinade for chicken or fish to give your protein a rich, nutty flavor.

Frequently Asked Questions About Amlou

Here are some commonly asked questions about Amlou to give you a better understanding of this Moroccan delight:

1. What is Amlou made of?

Amlou is made from three simple ingredients: roasted almonds, argan oil, and honey.

2. Is Amlou similar to peanut butter?

While both are nut-based spreads, Amlou has a more complex flavor due to the use of argan oil and honey. Peanut butter is typically sweeter and less rich in flavor.

3. Can I make Amlou without argan oil?

Yes, while argan oil is a key ingredient, you can substitute it with other oils like olive oil or almond oil, though the flavor will differ slightly.

4. How long does homemade Amlou last?

Stored in an airtight container in a cool, dry place, homemade Amlou can last up to a month. Refrigerating it can extend its shelf life even further.

5. Where can I buy authentic Amlou?

Authentic Amlou can be purchased online or in Moroccan markets. When buying Amlu, it’s essential to ensure that the argan oil is sustainably sourced and of high quality.

Storing and Preserving Amlou

To ensure your homemade Amlou stays fresh, store it in a cool, dry place in an airtight container. If you’re not planning to use it within a week or two, consider refrigerating it. While Amlu doesn’t require refrigeration, keeping it cool can help preserve its flavors and extend its shelf life.

Some people also choose to freeze Amlou for longer storage, but be aware that freezing might slightly alter its texture. When freezing Amlou, use small containers so you can thaw just what you need without compromising the rest of the batch.

Why You Should Try Amlou Today

With its rich history, complex flavors, and numerous health benefits, Amlou is more than just a spread—it’s a connection to the culinary traditions of Morocco. Whether you’re enjoying it the traditional way with Moroccan bread or experimenting with it in smoothies, desserts, or salads, Amlu is a versatile addition to your kitchen.

From its origins in the Berber communities of southern Morocco to its rise in global popularity, Amlou offers a taste of Morocco’s rich culinary heritage and the numerous health benefits of its unique ingredients.

Are you ready to bring a taste of Morocco to your table? Why not try making your own Amlou at home, or explore one of the many creative ways to incorporate this nutritious spread into your meals? You won’t be disappointed.

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